How to really keep your New Year's sporting resolutions
Interesting factsTouring ski

New Year = new goals? For some, New Year´s Eve is no different than any other night. For others, however, the turn of the year means one thing above all: good intentions and ambitious goals… which are usually not achieved. More than 80 % of the resolutions and goals are not implemented at all. The iron will to break old habits and implement sincere resolutions in many cases is broken after a short time. Yet, this year, YOU finally want to achieve your goals? Then we have a few simple tips on how you can reach your winter sports goals without losing your New Year motivation.
Achieve your sporting goals with these 7 tips
1. Define concrete and positive goals using the SMART method!
You can delete „wishy-washy“ goals such as „I want to go skiing a few times“ right away! Good goals are best set using the SMART method: Specific, Measurable, Attractive, Realistic and Time bound. A concrete resolution would be: I want to enjoy the fun on the slopes five more times before the end of the ski season. To be even more specific, you can even make a note of possible skiing days in your calendar. Don't forget to formulate your goals in a consciously positive way; that motivates!
2. Write down your good intentions and goals and reveal your motivation!
Your goals should not only buzz around inside your head, but also be written down. Write down what motivates you to make your intentions and what you hope for from them. Place your goals in a visible place so that you are confronted with them every day. This will make them more important for you!
3. Set fewer goals and achieve more!
Too many goals and resolutions are incredibly difficult to keep. Therefore it is advisable to focus on 2 to 4 goals at a time – it doesn't need a new year to set new goals. You can do this anytime during the year.
4. Set interim goals, document your progress and reward yourself!
Is one of your goals really big? Then set yourself intermediate goals and try to reach them step by step. If, for example, you want to climb a 3,000 m peak with touring skis, you can set a lower altitude as your goal in advance. You can record your progress, whether you want to go ski touring or to cover kilometres on the slopes, using various apps and fitness trackers. This way you can easily keep track of your progress and are motivated to let your success curve point upwards. It also helps if you reward yourself when you reach an intermediate goal.
5. Plan for failures and overcome them!
The way to your goal is not always easy, no, most of the time it is even very hard, stony and long. For example, you want to improve your endurance so that you can run a marathon under 4 hours by summer? Then you have to take into account that you might have to stop running due to weather conditions or for health reasons. No matter what it is, find a suitable solution for possible failures or setbacks in advance, so you don't have to bury your good intentions immediately. You can also train your endurance in winter, for example, on touring skis when the air is too frosty to run
6. Visualise your goals and intentions – what would it be like if …?
Imagine that you have reached one of your goals. How does it feel? Think of all the benefits! How would you live after reaching your goal? What would change for you? Dreaming of success in advance and holding on to this thought creates positive feelings and can significantly increase motivation. Alternatively, you can also design a vision board – for example, find motivating pictures of the peaks you want to climb with your touring skis or write down the number of kilometres of piste you want to ski.
7. Look for like-minded people and/or support for your goals…
…after all, „suffering“ shared is „suffering“ halved. Although, of course, it is not suffering if you have defined your intentions and goals concretely and positively according to the SMART method and the tips mentioned above. What is true, however, is that with the support of friends and like-minded people or even family, you can achieve your goals better and even faster. For example, look for people with the same goal who, like you, would like to climb a 3,000 m peak with their touring skis. They can understand you best and therefore support and motivate you best.

Winter sport resolutions that you can make for this season!
- Try something new and rent a splitboard. You ascend with it similarly to touring skiing with 2 boards, but you master the descent with a snowboard created by uniting the two individual boards.
Learn a new skiing technique! No matter whether carving, short turns or skiing in deep snow; using the right technique it is even more fun!
Be a role model and always wear a helmet when skiing or snowboarding! This is probably the easiest resolution to keep ;). You can find a suitable helmet with appropriate advice at one of our SPORT 2000 partners. Or you can rent a suitable helmet right here at SPORT 2000 rent!
For more safety on the mountain and on the piste, it is best to do ski gymnastics before and after your skiing days! Start with 20-30 minutes and increase step by step.
Take an avalanche course – especially if you spend a lot of time off-piste. Even if it's only been a year since your last avalanche course, a little refresher course won't hurt.
Visit a new ski area and discover new terrain with new challenges!
Track your downhill piste kilometres and try to increase them every day! But don't forget, the journey is the destination ;).
Dare to ski in deep snow – if you fall, you will surely land softly (but you should absolve a suitable avalanche course beforehand).
Climb a 3,000 m high mountain with touring skis, if you have the requisite experience.
Have you already made your list of New Year's resolutions and sporting goals? Then now is the time for you to prioritise your goals. What is most important to you? Which goal can you achieve first? And if you're still looking for the right equipment for your ski tour, need the right ski for new terrain, or just want to try something completely new, just drop by here and rent everything you need!
You are welcome to share your tips and tricks and craziest intentions/resolutions on Facebook or Instagram!